A New Life

April 17, 2011 at 1:32 PM | Posted in Food, God, Inspiration, Relationships | 55 Comments
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Hola amigos!

I hope you’re all having a beautiful and blessed weekend so far! 😀

God has been so good in every way I can think of.  I’ll recap on everything that has been going on throughout the weekend first.

On Friday afternoon, Greg and I went to volunteer with the kids in Santa Ana as we do every week.  We like to call them our “multiple Latino childrenz” haha.

I have to be honest that sometimes, it’s very difficult working with them because they act out so much!  I know that this merely a product of what goes on at home.

I’m just so thankful that from time to time, God reminds us that this isn’t about the number of kids that are changing, but it’s about that ONE LITTLE SOUL that gets blessed by His love.  Our prayer is that we won’t give up because that one soul is worth it all.  And indeed, slowly but surely, several of these kids are changing and growing!

It just feels so great when one of them opens up to us about their struggles.  I think–they’re feeling loved! 😉

Yesterday noon, I had a girls’ picnic day with the lovely ladies from church! I haven’t had something like this in quite a while!  I was definitely blessed and encouraged all throughout!

Lots of folding and opening with those crazy tents!  At least 3 of them were broken haha.

Oh my goodness, it was doggie-nation that day.  We were all ooh-ing and aah-ing and going gaga over them.

With the lovely Haein!  She’s small like me, yet she exudes this gentle and bold spirit! Love it. 😀

And of course…lots of delicious and pretty food was consumed!  Along with beautiful Earl Grey Tea cupcakes and some cookies that I came up with 2 years ago.  I’ve been tweaking them and perfecting them over the years and I can humbly and honestly say–it’s a perfect creation.  *evil cackle*

Towards the end of our get-together, our beautiful sister (Pastor Daniel’s wife) Jae gave us a brief pep talk and encouragement.

We were all handed a tiny little pot of soil+sunflower seeds!  She wants us to cultivate this now and see how it’ll grow in the future.

Did you know that sunflowers are called “sunflowers” because they turn to the sun?! I knew this already, but she reminded us that in her eyes, we’re like these precious flowers because we turn to the “SON” and God’s light.

Also, sunflowers are unique in that they don’t tend to bloom in the spring like most plants do.   Rather, they are cultivated in the hot summer and blossom in the fall when everything else around it is dying! Clever huh? 😉 I just LOVE LOVE LOVE symbolism!

And guess what!

Remember that I once mentioned that my family doesn’t share in my faith in Christ?  Well, recently my sister, Greg, and I started to go to church together on Saturday nights!! That alone is a miracle for her!

A few days ago, she really surrendered her life to the Lord and decided to get baptized yesterday!! HALLELUJAH!! God truly hears our prayers.

It was a beautiful moment.  It was a moment in which she died with the old, and went in with the new.  She now has a NEW LIFE.

God’s presence and joy in that place was so strong I could hardly stand it!  My sister is truly changing for the better.  I can see that she is filled with PEACE, JOY, AND EVEN MORE PATIENCE.

Another miracle is that David, my bro-in-law, was supportive enough to come join the baptism service for my sis.

We headed to Mammalucco’s and celebrated this beautiful day!

Mammalucco’s is ZE BEST pizzeria that I’ve tried while in the U.S.! It’s authentically Italian, and very close to the Argentinean pizza. Mmmmmmmm! Melty and gooey.

Greg gave my sis an awesome book titled Battlefield of the Mind.  It explains how everything–from good to bad–starts from our minds.  Whatever we let into our thoughts, is basically what comes out of our bodies and actions.  We need to guard our thoughts!

Life in Christ is truly so beautiful.  I know for certain that once we know Him and have a RELATIONSHIP that’s intimate with Him, we can’t go back.

He gives us new life.  I don’t to waste it.  🙂

He doesn’t promise an easy life because life in the world is still the same.  However, He promises all the strength that we need to overcome our obstacles.

***Late update:  Kat is giving away some awesome stuff! Go check out her awesome blog.  She always has sweet and encouraging things to say. :D***


Ellie <33


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  1. Looks like you had a beautiful couple of days!

  2. So amazing that you guys volunteer with those children!! By the way, your dress is beautiful!! And the picnic looks like such a blast! 🙂

    • It was a blast!! And I think I just got a lot tanner. Errrr well, my arms at least. haha

  3. Wow, that is AWESOME that you guys volunteer and help those children. You seem like such a sweet and giving person 🙂

  4. AMEN AMEN AMEN!! Gosh I wish people would stop thinking that Christian life is easy, because it is in fact so much harder!! Yes of course we have Christ, but we always have all the suffering of everyone else as well as the critisiscm of the world and even people we love! Not to mention the burden of knowing those we love may not end up in heaven with us if they do not chose to beleive in Him!!

    • but like His Word says~all or any suffering is but momentary, b/c there’s so much more to look forward to after we leave 🙂

  5. That is so awesome that you do that! 🙂
    You are so inspiring.


  6. Contests to your sister to be reborn! I can feel your happiness! 🙂

  7. You’re so giving and inspiring! I love your dress too 🙂

  8. Beautiful pictures! I agree with those above, you are inspiring.
    That doggie looks so cuddly. 🙂

    • her name was Zoey!

  9. Oh, how beautiful. First, that was a great symbolism about sunflowers. Second, I’m so happppppy about your sister’s ‘new life’ in the Lord! God is realllly amazing. When my family one by one started to be interested in knowing Christ, I was just amazed and blessed and indescribably happy! so i know what you feel!


    • that’s amazing Viv!! And so glad to hear about your fambam~no greater joy ehhh??

  10. You have certainly been busy! I enjoyed sharing it with you thru the photos!

  11. wow i’m so happy to have found your blog!you seem to have so much strength and love in your heart!can’t wait to read more

    • I’m so glad to connect with you too Mariah! looking forward to reading yours too 😀

  12. I love how you volunteer to help others. You are such an inspiration Ellie, and I love that black dress. You are gorgeous 😀

    • dohhhh stop it. 😉 i’m gonna turn into a cherry! haha

  13. you are SO SWEET! that is so awesome of you to volunteer- that shows what a kind heart you’ve got!

  14. What a beautiful weekend… 🙂 So wonderful that you have a chance to have such a positive impact on these children’s life!
    ps. Love your dress!

    • hehe thanks Elin! Got it at ROSS 😛

  15. I just found your blog and see that we have similar passions! 🙂 Can’t wait to read more! Keep up the good work girl!!! xoxo Katie

    • I just visited yours and it’s amazing too Katie! so good to meet ya 🙂 Thanks for the encouraging words~~

  16. omg i need an earl grey tea cupcake now. it sounds AMAZING! and that dog is sooo adorable.
    i’m so happy for your sister and that your prayers regarding her were answered!! 🙂

  17. Those cupcakes look amazing!! I love the wrappers 🙂

  18. Those cupcake liners are just gorgeous! And I adore that lil white puppy 😀

    • right?! not sure where she go the liners.

  19. Looks like you’ve had an amazing time. It’s great that you are volunteering. I know it must mean so much to those children.

    • It’s not always easy but I love it! 🙂

  20. What a great weekend!

  21. Children are the future of our nation! It is inspiring to see you and your husband volunteer your time to ensure that those children have something safe and fun to do!

    • haha he’s still my fiance 🙂

  22. OMG….that dog is super cute! Sounds like you had a great weekend! 🙂

  23. Praise God!! I am so happy to hear about your sister’s baptism! That’s amazing, Ellie! 🙂

    • thanks thanks thanks Rach!! God is goood~~~and He always surprises in the most unexpected ways!! Life is never boring with Him!!

  24. reading this made me smile. so much to be thankful for–there’s so much that we have here on earth.

    • yayyy so glad it made you :D! so true~and whether some of us have lesser or more than others, we still have life and something to look forward to in eternity 😀

  25. I would love a girls’ picnic day! What fun!

    And your pb chip oatmeal bake….DRooling in envy!

    • Yesss I forget how fun it is to have all-natural atmosphere settings with just a few loved ones and simplicity~

  26. Wow I think you are AMAZING girl!! I love that you help out with those kids! I know what you mean about it being hard (I did it last summer) but when they open up it’s just the best feeling ever!!

    And I am SO HAPPY your sister has found God!! Hallelujah!! 😀

    • awww thanks Emma! you’re shwweeet, I know hallelujah!

  27. You two are beautiful people! I had a special moment this morning where I felt this overwhelming sense of greatfulness and just felt that God is so great…such a great feeling! Have a good night!

    • thanks~sweet dreams to you Parita!

  28. I’m so happy for your sister and her new faith! It must be such a joy and comfort for you to see that happen. Congratulations! I’m sure your testimony played a large part in the turning over of her life to God. I love reading your posts–they’re so full of encouragement!

    • yayyyyy glad you get encouraged sista! love it 😀 and yes I do feel all those great things b/c I know she’s changing in very good ways. I can tell she has more peace and everything

  29. Oh, wow, it looks like an awesome weekend! That is absolutely amazing about your sister giving her life to the Lord! I know how happy that must have made you! It’s so great that she has you and Greg for support!

    Yum! Those cupcakes look really good! So pretty too! 🙂

    • so glad to be a part of God’s plan in all this you know? 😉 oh and trust me–the cupcakes were so good and perfectly sweet, and refreshing b/c of the lemon frosting 😛

  30. Loved hearing your sister’s story! I can relate completely. So exciting! I’ll be praying for your sister’s walk with Christ. 🙂

    • ahhhhhhhh muchisimas gracias!! you don’t know how encouraging it is to hear that! ❤

  31. ELLIE!!! I LOVE this post soooo much!!! I’m so happy!!!!! My parents used to tell me that every time there is a new soul saved, the heavens rejoice and throw a gigantic feast. I now understand what that means, as whenever I hear that a person has given his or her life to Jesus, I just want to jump up and down and throw a party. How glorious that God answered your prayers!!!

  32. Such a great volunteering program! I love that!

    I also love your dress- it looks beautiful on you!

  33. […] Thank you all for your amazing and encouragement comments on my last post!  It really meant a lot to me, and I really appreciate you all so very much.  I hope you know […]

  34. I am rejoicing for your sister! A W E S O M E ! ! !

  35. Thanks for agreat post. Yes, lovemakes all the difference. It can wreak great changea for the good.

    • thanks for visiting! yes, it can~

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