Visiting our Fave Place

February 27, 2011 at 12:00 AM | Posted in Food, God, Health, Relationships | 36 Comments

Oh hiiiii! 😀  Did you have a relaxing and fun weekend?

After meeting up with my friend Eunice yesterday, Greg and I went on a date to the best organic+healthy restaurants ever!  At least in L.A. 😛  It seems like we’ve been on a lot of date sprees lately, but I think it’s because that any time we get to spend together, we feel like it’s a date.

We drove up to L.A. to this cozy place called URTH CAFFE,and they serve the best coffee and espresso drinks ever.  Also, their menu is filled with pleasantly healthy options:  Mediterranean plate, soups, salads, 12-hour roast beef sandwiches, and the best vegan (or in the world) desserts ever.

*growl* I’m getting hungry while typing these words haha! My stomach is always growling for some reason.

Too bad Greg’s friend Chris and his fiancee couldn’t join us yesterday! They live right across from the cafe.

However! Boyyy were we glad that they couldn’t come with us!  The reason is that we ended up going to the ‘wrong’ location, as they have about 5 different locations.  Getting lost, wandering around, and the such seem to be the story of our lives. 😛

It is next to impossible to get a decent picture of Greg!!  Half of the time, I have to beg him to let me take one…

Hands down, this is the best latte I’ve ever had.   It’s the famous Spanish Latte, slightly sweetened with condensed milk I believe. 😀

Greg had the luscious 12-hour roasted Roast Beef sandwich.  Uhhhh, can I get some more please?!

Along with my salad came Urth’s home baked walnut raisin bread.  It is to die for, and it was still fresh today–as you can see, I really like leftovers!

And last but certainly not the least!  Their famous vegan pumpkin pie….even omnivores deem this to be the best pie in all humanity. (I’m one of those omnivores)

In all honesty, I wish I could send a slice to every one of you.  It’s that good.

The crust is graham crackery yet sort of like a cookie.  It’s super tall and big in size, so 2-3 people can easily share a slice.

Did that sentence just rhyme?!

These are some of Urth’s adorable goodies and items on display.  It is tea galore I tell ya!

I caught Greg smiling at me because I was literally becoming a 6 year old girl skipping around in Disneyland.  Ahem…And the employees were creeped out delighted by my over bubbly and enthusiastic self. 😛  I can’t help that I’m very expressive by nature!

What I also like about this place is that they pick and roast their own coffee, and take so much care to choose only 1% of the coffee beans!  It’s extremely fresh, and they grind it for you.

I purchased some of their World Peace blend and I have to say that it’s the most fragrant and complex coffee I’ve had in my short-lived life!

It was such a fun trip to L.A.!

Also, this morning Greg had the opportunity to speak at the same church again!  So proud of him and thankful to God’s provision.  Ironically, that’s what his message was about this morning!  Our God Provides….Oh, if you’re wondering–Greg is a preaching/pastoral ministries major and will graduate in less than a year.  He’s not officially in ministry, but is being used in awesome ways.:D

And on a slightly different note, he had some major instant humblers today.  Greg turned his phone off (but it’s been acting up) and his momma texted him during his message telling him that she’s PRAYING for him.  Obviously, due to the phone’s strange acting-up, it went off in the middle of preaching.  He played it off so well though!  And THANKFULLY everyone laughed it off..pheww!

Well friends, I hope you have a beautiful start to your day tomorrow and let’s live it to the fullest!

My Question:  Do you have eateries that you rave about as well?  If you’re from Cali, what do you recommend?  And do you tend to label any hanging out moments with your significant other, as a “date”?

Grace & Peace,

Ellie <33

Those Moments

February 26, 2011 at 4:09 PM | Posted in Food, God, Inspiration, Relationships | 18 Comments

You know those moments when you stop to ponder about life?  Well, that’s what I’ve been doing lately!

You know those moments when you realize that life is so grand, and there’s so much more to live for than what you initially expected?  Well, that’s what God has been reminding me lately!

You know those moments when for some reason your heart is burdened, but you know that His mercies are new every morning?

Well, that’s what He has shown me today 🙂

And you know those moments when you’re able to wake up each morning and be thankful for life, and wake up to this face?

Okay, I’m sure you don’t Daniel.  But well…this is what I’ve been doing every morning!

You know those moments when the little things in life truly DO matter?  Like when you cook for your loved ones and show them affection through it?

Well, this is Lil Daniel’s baby pasta casserole I’ve made. 🙂

You know those moments when you just NEED and YEARN for that girlfriend and sisterly love to keep each other accountable?

Well, that’s what I did today with my dear lovely Eunice.

You know those moments when you just appreciate your students just for what they are, whether they cry or not?

Well, I met up with sweet lil Cameron today.  (And that masterpiece is when he doesn’t even put the effort!)

And…you know those moments when you can stop in the middle of a parking lot and thank God for the amazing work of art He’s made for you and me to see, whether rain or shine?

Well, that’s what I’ve witnessed this afternoon! 🙂

And then, you know those moments when you just thank Him not only for what He’s done

but who He is?

Well…I pray that this day will be filled with joy and peace not only for me, but all of you guys too!  I’m thankful for y’all, and have a beautious rest of the day!!  😀


Ellie <33

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