What Did You Have for Breakfast?

February 2, 2011 at 12:00 AM | Posted in Breakfast, Food, Health, Inspiration, Nutrition, Recipes | 14 Comments

That is the question that my Growth & Development professor asked us last night.

Can you believe it??!!!!!   O_o”

Out of all the questions she could have asked, she asked the very question that I’ve been afraid to answer for quite a while now…Oh yes my friends, I was one scared little girl…

“But Ellie, what’s the big deal?  It’s just breakfast…”

Well you see, THIS is what I had for breakfast yesterday.

I mean, how do you explain that to a class full of people who probably don’t even know what you’re talking about?

Bear with me here–I have a point to make, and heyyyy the professor was on a roll with tying the subject of BREAKFAST to her lecture too.  🙂  By the way, I love this professor and she truly is a “lily among the roses”.

We went around the whole class and each student named what he or she ate in the morning.

I’m quite sorry to say, and I say this humbly…But my stomach cringed at the mention of donuts+coffee, pizza+coke, and countless of combos that I know would make my stomach despise me forever.  Oh but it was so cute!  One guy said that he had KIX! With no milk, mind you–that’s pretty gangster in my opinion.

I do eat very exotic foods in the morning once in a while because my mother cooks Korean food all the time.  But this was another story..

It was a moment of embarrassment, stage fright, and loneliness once the teacher expected me to speak up.

I quietly, stutteringly said…

“Ummm, dahhh I….I… just ate this funny weird creation of mine with protein supplement, oats, and grilled bananas.”

*****Cue the crickets*****

Hahaha!  Now that I look back, it’s funny.  I had also at LEAST expected to hear something like “Whaatttt? Ehhh??” or “You’re so weird”, but nope, all I heard was sheer silence… ****Cue the tumbleweeds****

But right after I finished sharing, I thought to myself, “I wonder if the blogging girls have ever had such an awkward moment when it comes to food/nutrition.” Because I know how beautifully strange we can be  ^_~*

I’m so glad to have y’all because I know you understand my beautiful but strange ways of eating! 😀  So I’m not alone yay!  I hope?

When you actually LIKE to lead a healthy lifestyle and certain types of foods, I know that many people can be taken aback.  This is not necessarily a bad thing either!  I think it just means that they’re not that aware of it yet.

I’m sure that once others see the benefits of doing just that, they will at least be curious about that kind of lifestyle as a result.

Anyone can choose to live or eat in whatever way he/she wants.  It’s just a matter of whether or not we want to do what’s best for us.

Of course, this could even come down to the even deeper matters of the heart and life in general.  But I’ll leave it at that because I don’t want to get too philosophical at this moment.  I had enough of that last night bahaha.

So, I guess just to prove my point about how interesting we can be, I’ll show you what I had this morning.

Cocoa-Ground Steel Cut Oats


I love the fact that I get to make a lot of healthy food for my family lately!  My whole family at home  isn’t doing too well health wise, and I’m doing my best to keep them in check and offer them whatever I can!  This entails doing my best to serve them even when I’m busy or don’t have that much time,  while helping their bodies heal little by little.  I know that by my serving them, they will also feel loved and appreciated. 🙂

Lil Daniel is my best buddy.  He seems to love everything I make! Even the fruit+veggie juices.

“Auntie Ewie, you da best!”

My Question: Do you have funny or awkward moments with people when it comes to nutrition and food?  Do you sometimes catch yourself trying to explain the dishes that you cook/make, and why it’s good for you? Oh and…What did you have for breakfast? 🙂

I hope you have a day full of joy and peace!

L.E. <33

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