Who Knows?

February 1, 2011 at 12:00 AM | Posted in Daily Inspiration, Food, Food for Thought, God, Inspiration | 9 Comments

Happy Tuesday!  Wow, I hope all of you who are in the mid-west and east coast are safe and warm!  I know there have been various alerts and whatnot.

This is what Wichita, Kansas looks like right now.  Sharon (my bf’s mom–and my 2nd mom) sent this photo this morning.

She texted saying, “Just in case you’re missing home, the wind chills is 20 below 0, the wind is up to 30 mph, and we hav 3 in. of snow!  Can I come to CA?” Poor Sharon 😦

So I’m praying that everyone will stay safe at home hopefully.

And even though here in Cali it’s as sunny as ever (not to rub it in)  WHO KNOWS WHAT THE WEATHER WILL BRING IN THE NEXT FEW HOURS! Just like that, life is so unexpected and all we can do is trust God. He’s truly the only one who’s constant and guaranteed.  He’s so good and faithful always 😀

This morning was awesome because I got to do a short devotional time with my sis!!  You see, my family does not share my Faith in Christ.

We’re all so utterly different, that even our Faith differs–but that’s okay, because it makes me pray harder for their relationship with God.  I know that once they come to Him, they will have that joy and peace for which they’ve been searching. All I know is that no matter how much they love Him or DON’T love Him in this case, He loves them more than they can imagine!

This is one of the passages that we read, and I just happen to LURVE Psalm 91!!

So now I have to finish my class assignments here in a bit and you may be wondering what year I’m in and so on…

I am this very semester-away from graduation baby!  Linguistics is my major, and I’m going to get my noodles a-rollin’ here until my class starts.  I happen to be online a lot these days due to my numerous online assignments that the professors are throwing at giving me.

By the way, this is random but I’ve been really craving frozen yogurt these days.  Daahhhh…I just don’t get it often because it can add up a lot of bucks to my coffee+tea drinking habit.

On a different (maybe not so different) note,  I’ve been consuming quite a bit of these Chobani tubs from Target.  They really do sell them cheaper. 😀

I really enjoyed the pomegranate one especially.  These are rather easy to carry around if you know you’ll eat it within approximately 4-5 hours at the most.  I know, you may be thinking GROSS right?  Trust me, it’s not that bad hehe.

And I really like the P.B. Pretzel Cliff Mojos once in a while when I’m out and about.  It’s salty and sweet, and that my friends, is a great combination.

So~just like my unexpected yet precious morning with my sister, life has its curve-balls (sometimes good, sometimes not so good).  And who knows what will happen?  I hope you have a beautiful+safe and unexpected day as well! 😀

My Question: What’s a recent WHO KNOWS moment that you’ve had?

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