Hurry Hurry

February 13, 2011 at 12:05 AM | Posted in Food, Food for Thought, God, Health, Inspiration, Relationships | 6 Comments

Hola mundo! –> Translation:  Hello world 😀

Everything has been so quick and hurried lately, especially towards the end of the week.

I’ll keep it short.  And simple. Well, as simple as I can make it!

Although I’ve been here and there and everywhere, my heart still remains the same…Grateful to the Name above all Names. ❤

Orion to the Lion! This is Greg’s fat phat cat who not only looks like a seal, but acts like one when he wants a meal!

Every time he moves, he heads to the food bowl, because that’s what really encapsulates this feline’s life-goal.

And the lion has spoken…And has raised his head…only to find out that he will soon go back to bed…

Sheba is older, and she’s wiser.  She’s ultra skiddish, and sometimes acts like a paranoid cat who can speak Yiddish.

The weather has been beautiful!  Which is kind of strange, yet I find pleasure in the midst of this green range.

Yesterday Greg and I spent some time together at the park, walking around and rejoicing before it got dark.

He’s a true romantic and loves to indulge in the simple things of life just like I do even in the midst of strife.

Alas, we have reached the bridge that shines a beacon of light…As it quickly faded into the horizon till it was not so bright.

Stopping to smell the roses in a hurried world is quite a treasure.  That the posture of our hearts may be under less pressure…

When you spend your time with the one(s) you love, even your soul becomes as free as a dove.

Even my eats have become quicker than desired, yet my love for health still remains undefiled.

On my busiest day have I eaten a simple delight , as I made Ashley’s modified buckwheat creation that had crossed my sight.

Now let me leave you with an encouragement tonight–that when you’re in a hurry, take a deep breath and keep your load light.

P.s:  Something amazing and quite crazy happened yesterday! But more of that to come sooner than later!!


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  1. You have got to see my cat! I think yours is his twin!!! I will try to to a post with his pics by Mon eve. It is truly amazing!

    • Hahaha that’s awesome!! I once saw a cat that looked exactly like Orion but skinny! I was like 0_o” is that how he’d look?!! hahahaha. He’s actually my bf Greg’s cat but I love him like my own–and I used to ahem dare I say it–abhor cats. yikes! Yes show it to me pleasee!

  2. I love Ashley’s creations!

    • Yeahh and the presentations are amazing <33

  3. Such a pretty kitty!

    • hehe Sheba is pretty~Orion is just adorable and chubbbyyyy!!!! All he ever wants is PETTING and FOOD–every other hour hahaha

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